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NdArray Functions
NdArray::add() - Add two matrices.
NdArray::copy() - Copy an array
NdArray::copysign() - Change the sign to that of given matrix, element-wise.
NdArray::cos() - Cosine element-wise.
NdArray::divide() - Divide two matrices, element-wise.
NdArray::dot() - Dot product of two matrices.
NdArray::exp() - Calculate the exponential of all elements in the array.
NdArray::exp2() - Calculate 2 ** element, element-wise.
NdArray::expm1() - Calculate exp(element) - 1 in the input array.
NdArray::is_square() - Check that it's a square matrix.
NdArray::log() - Return the natural logarithm, element-wise.
NdArray::log10() - Return the base 10 logarithm, element-wise.
NdArray::log2() - Return the base 2 logarithm, element-wise.
NdArray::multiply() - Multiply two matrices, element-wise.
NdArray::negative() - Numerical negative, element-wise
NdArray::power() - Array elements raised to powers, element-wise.
NdArray::ravel() - Flatten an array
NdArray::reciprocal() - Return the reciprocal of the argument, element-wise.
NdArray::reshape() - Reshape an array
NdArray::resize() - Resize an array
NdArray::signbit() - Returns element-wise true where signbit is set (less than zero).
NdArray::sin() - Trigonometric sine, element-wise.
NdArray::sqrt() - The non-negative square-root of an array, element-wise.
NdArray::square() - The element-wise square of the matrix.
NdArray::subtract() - Subtract two matrices element-wise.
NdArray::sum() - Sum all elements.
NdArray::tan() - Compute tangent element-wise.
NdArray::trace() - Sum along diagonals.
NdArray::trapz() - Integrate along the given axis using the composite trapezoidal rule.
NdArray::tril() - Construct a triangle matrix based on the lower triangle of another one.
NdArray::triu() - Construct a triangle matrix based on the upper triangle of another one.
NdArray::vander() - Generate a Vandermonde matrix.
NumPhp Functions
NumPhp::add() - Add two matrices.
NumPhp::ar() - Construct a new N-dimensional array
NumPhp::arange() - Create a range of values based on a step.
NumPhp::broadcast_to() - Broadcast an array to a new shape.
NumPhp::copysign() - Change the sign of m-element to that of n-element, element-wise.
NumPhp::cos() - Cosine element-wise.
NumPhp::diag() - Extract a diagonal or construct a diagonal array.
NumPhp::diagflat() - Create a two-dimensional array with the flattened input as a diagonal.
NumPhp::diagonal() - Extract a diagonal.
NumPhp::divide() - Divide two matrices, element-wise.
NumPhp::dot() - Dot product of two matrices.
NumPhp::exp() - Calculate the exponential of all elements in the input array.
NumPhp::exp2() - Calculate 2 ** element, element-wise.
NumPhp::expm1() - Calculate the exponential of all elements in the input array.
NumPhp::eye() - Construct a 2-D array with ones on the diagonal and zeros elsewhere.
NumPhp::full() - Create a new NdArray filled with a value
NumPhp::full_like() - Construct a new array of a given value with the same shape and type
as a given array.
NumPhp::identity() - Construct a square 2-D array with ones on the diagonal and zeros elsewhere.
NumPhp::is_square() - Check that it's a square matrix.
NumPhp::linspace() - Create a range with a defined number of values.
NumPhp::loadtxt() - Load data from a text file.
NumPhp::log() - Return the natural logarithm, element-wise.
NumPhp::log10() - Return the base 10 logarithm, element-wise.
NumPhp::log2() - Return the base 2 logarithm, element-wise.
NumPhp::logspace() - Create a logarithmic range with a defined number of values.
NumPhp::multiply() - Multiply two matrices, element-wise.
NumPhp::negative() - Numerical negative, element-wise.
NumPhp::nulls() - Create a new NdArray filled with null
NumPhp::nulls_like() - Construct a new array of nulls with the same shape and type
as a given array.
NumPhp::ones() - Create a new NdArray filled with ones
NumPhp::ones_like() - Construct a new array of ones with the same shape and type
as a given array.
NumPhp::power() - Array elements raised to powers, element-wise.
NumPhp::reciprocal() - Return the reciprocal of the argument, element-wise.
NumPhp::signbit() - Returns element-wise true where signbit is set (less than zero).
NumPhp::sin() - Trigonometric sine, element-wise.
NumPhp::sqrt() - The non-negative square-root of an array, element-wise.
NumPhp::square() - The element-wise square of the matrix.
NumPhp::subtract() - Subtract two matrices element-wise.
NumPhp::sum() - Sum all elements.
NumPhp::tan() - Compute tangent element-wise.
NumPhp::trace() - Sum along diagonals.
NumPhp::transpose() - Permute the dimensions of an array.
NumPhp::trapz() - Integrate along the given axis using the composite trapezoidal rule.
NumPhp::tri() - Construct an array with ones at and below the given diagonal and zeros elsewhere.
NumPhp::tril() - Construct a triangle matrix based on the lower triangle of another one.
NumPhp::triu() - Construct a triangle matrix based on the upper triangle of another one.
NumPhp::vander() - Generate a Vandermonde matrix.
NumPhp::zeros() - Create a new NdArray filled with zeros
NumPhp::zeros_like() - Construct a new array of zeros with the same shape and type
as a given array.
Linear algebra Functions
Random Generator Functions